In Memphis the most common pipe line is cast iron. Cast iron pipes were introduced to the United States in the nineteenth century, imported from Europe. Cast iron pipes were to replace wooden pipe lines and now sewer pipes range from cast iron, PVC, and clay. All of which at some time or another will need some type of repair. With cast iron being Memphis’s most common pipe line it would surprise you to know it is the most common pipe repaired! And this newest “no-dig” technology is the most popular as well. How do they do you ask? Pipe ling. Perma-Liner™ offers a range of trenchless pipe rehabilitation methods to repair any kind of sewer pipe in various conditions and age. Pipe lining repairs that range in size from 2″ to 102″ pipe diameters. A careful blend of established practices and new technology allows Perma-Liner to exercise a unique degree of versatility. If you live in Memphis and would like to learn more about pipe lining and how it can save your pipes call us any time!