As cities throughout the state grow and improve their existing infrastructures, sewer maintenance is of the utmost importance. McMinn County and its municipalities are members of the Three-Star Economic & Community Development Program, which is creating an opportunity for the city to rehabilitate their sewer systems in neighborhoods that have experienced inflow and infiltration problems for many years. This is primarily caused by undersized sewer lines and stormwater runoff; installed when the system was first built. But we’ve got a solution! Perma-liner Industries has good news for your city and cities across the state. We have teamed up with a stellar company that can assist you in having the best functioning pipelining system for your home or business. Lining and Coating Solutions LLC uses state-of-the-art technology and equipment to repair, line, and coat sewer pipelines using a reliable and efficient process. And what’s even better- it is the least invasive method available. With the ability to line hundreds of linear feet of small diameter pipe, Lining & Coating Solutions, LLC can quickly repair your underground pipes with minimal disruption to your business and property. As one of our Certified Installers, you can be sure you are getting the best in the Trenchless Pipelining Industry.
Interesting fact: Memphis, did you know? While flood insurance isn’t federally required, there are more than 80 private insurance companies that offer flood insurance to homeowners, renters, and business owners. In order to qualify for flood insurance, the home or business must be in a community that has joined and agreed to enforce sound floodplain management standards. Typically, residents outside of mapped high-risk flood areas file more than 20 percent of all National Flood Insurance Program claims, and receive one-third of Federal disaster assistance for flooding.