The city of Memphis continues the repair of the sewer line rupture that dumped at least 350 million gallons of raw sewage into McKellar Lake this spring. The repair began with a 96-inch-diameter line that gave way just months ago. While McKellar Lake has reopened as of last month, repairs to the faulty line are ongoing. The process will include the construction and operation of a temporary bypass route and conducting cleanup activities. The project will take several months to complete and will be funded through the city’s sewer fund; which gets revenues through customers’ fees. The pipeline, which carried wastewater, failed after heavy rains gradually wore away at the soil beneath it. The rupture discharged up to 50 million gallons of sewage a day into Cypress Creek. The creek is located in Southwest Memphis and empties into the Mississippi River. The recent sewage spill was the largest of three reported by the city in a three-week period. An additional leak was also discovered in an area nearby when crews found that part of a 42-inch pipe in the area had collapsed into the Loosahatchie River, after the bank in which it was buried caved into the river. The 60-inch line will also require long-term repairs.
Interesting fact: Memphis and communities across Tennessee will begin using smart meters and benefiting from efficient utility service which will create enhanced payment options and increased customer savings. Customers will benefit by having access to more data regarding energy consumption, and resources to help better manage usage. Memphis Light Gas & Water is the largest three-service public utility in the United States, with more than 1 million utility meters.
Coming soon: Perma-Liner Industries is busy making plans for you. We’re planning a Trenchless Tour on July 27th in the New England area. We’ll be posting more information on this spectacular event…stay tuned! Click Here to Register!